Re: [g-a-devel]SPI_eventIsReady and SPI_nextEvent

Bill Haneman <bill haneman sun com> writes:

> On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 10:39, Mario Lang wrote:
>> "Padraig O'Briain" <Padraig Obriain Sun COM> writes:
>> > Bill Haneman is the person who can asnwer this question. Unfortunately he is on 
>> > holidays for a few weeks.
>> I've seen Bill seems to be back, so I would like to reask
>> the same question.  
> I see that I didn't directly answer it in my reply...
> Will those two functions eventually get implemented
> [I expect so]
>> soonish, 
> [ah, not for 2.4.X, maybe 2.6].
I see.

> or are there fundamental problems preventing this?
> It's going to be nontrivial, I think, so we've punted it for now since
> we're trying to clear the stoppers for "mainstream" gtk+/gnome apps.
> Sorry if this presents you with some problems in the meantime.  Can
> Guile not run the glib mainloop at all ?

I would not know how.   I can run the spi main loop, but
then I no longer can use Guile as usual, since it blocks
until the next event occurs.  Hmm, as you can guess, I
am fairly new to GNOME programming as a whole, so maybe I am just
missing something very obvious here?  Is there a "How to use the glib loop"
thing somewhere?

I have the same problem with my atspi bindings for XEmacs
btw, since XEmacs can surely not run the glib loop. This is
not as important, since I do querying only mostly in that
project, but still.  It would be great to have the ability to poll

P.S.: (version 0.0.7) ships with
a sample screen-reader implementation for Braille only, which
fits in about 1.2KB Scheme code.

  Mario | Debian Developer <URL:>
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