Re: [g-a-devel]Providing more data with GNOME_Accessibility_Event: ABI vs API preservation

On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 10:39, Bill Haneman wrote:
> Personally I and now favoring a recompile against the bigger event
> struct but either seems workable, at some cost.

	My quick proposal (sent privately) is to use a hash on the (few)
AccessibleEvents we store locally; then to provide several (many) C
accessor functions that can grab more information out of the cspi mapped
AccessibleEvent ( by mapping it to the original CORBA structure
internally ) - and thus:

	* avoid breaking bin-compat at all,
	* provide a nice expandable type-safe, API going forward

	Oh - and finally, in any complex protocol like this; it's often
necessary to have a timestamp / sequence number on all events; I'd
recommend we add one somewhere [although making that coherent across
processes may also be interesting ;-]



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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