Re: [g-a-devel]Clarification on keynav for toggle/radio/check buttons .

Hi Calum,

Can you please clarify these doubts I have in keynav bug#53577.??

Thanks and Regards,

Narayana Pattipati wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking at the Gtk+ keynav bug#53577, which
> is raised against check/toggle/radio buttons. I have
> couple of doubts here.
> a) What is meant by 'functional grouping' in
>    case of check/toggle buttons. I understood
>    'functional grouping' for radio buttons, i.e radio
>    buttons are always grouped. Can you please explain
>    with an example, if possible.
> b) And in the keynav proposal, it is said that 'radio button'
>    should be toggled by pressing 'spacebar'. But what I found
>    is, a radio button gets selected when user moves focus to it.
>    What is meant by toggle radio button with spacebar.??
> Regards,
> Narayana.
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