[g-a-devel]Woah ... atkobjectfactory ...


	I'm just starting to implement my first custom AtkObject, and I must
say I'm slightly concerned;

	Surely it can't be the case that every AtkObject has it's own
AtkObjectFactory ? surely it must be possible (for efficiency reasons)
to have a single AtkObjectFactory that can manufacture a whole range of
different AtkObject types ?

	I seem to be seeing just a gigantic swathe of cut and paste coding here
- I'm really hoping that this is just me being dim. Surely this is not
one of those alleged 'programming patterns' [ code phrase for unthinking
cut and paste ] - that I see ?

	Looking at the diffs between some of the 40 factories in gail I see
nothing but renamed structures - all of the same size - without any
complex inheritance, new data members - anything substantially different
between them all. Oh, and the object files are ~150Kb each ~6Mb of disk
space accounting for perhaps 20% of the stripped size of libgail.

	Could this not have been a single factory instance ? resulting in 1/2
as many files in gail/ more icache coherency, smaller in-core size, more
speed etc.

	Please, tell me I'm wrong,



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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