Re: [g-a-devel]Accessibility for gperfmeter

The "<shift><f10>" currently does not pop up the menu. Would fixing that
suffice in which case AtkAction may not be needed?

Yes, I would think so.

2. Performance information is communicated in a highly visual manner (
using graphs ) and there is no supporting text information available.

a. Would a tooltip ( ATK description for the PangoLayout accessible
Object) containing a one line information of the current values

For e.g., "CPU 1%, disk 0, Errors 0" could be a tooltip if 3 meters are
displayed and this would get updated after every sampling.

My opinion is that this would be acceptable, but not optimal. I think I would rather see the AtkObject for the drawing area expose one child for each meter which is displayed on the drawing area. the AtkObjects for the meters would have appropriate names and descriptions describing the type of the meters, and would then use AtkValue to denote the current value and range of the meters. For example, to simply say CPU Load is .45 doesn't say much. Is this .45% or 45%... etc. This is where AtkValue is useful, as a maximum and minimum value can be defined.

b. Since the location within the drawing area where the mouse is
pointing can be found, could the tooltip specifically describe the meter
in that area?

That would be useful, but I'm not sure it is useful from an accessibility point of view. Possibly I'm missing something...

3. Additionally, color is used inform the user when a parameter crosses
a threshold. This doesnt seem very accessible.

If the threshold is crossed for a particular parameter, an additional
phrase "threshold crossed" could be added in the tooltip?

Yes, this could work.

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