Re: [g-a-devel]Atk text interface for Stock Ticker applet

jagadeesh banavara wrote:
> Hi,
> For the stock ticker applet I want to implement
> AtkText interface and a factory for gtk_drawing_area
> to read the scrolled text (Stock Information) by an AT.

One issue I have with this is that you should not use
a factory in this case; factories can only be
registered against GObject types, and thus you would be
registering a (new) factory type for "_all_ GtkDrawingAreas".
If you use this approach you must also change the stock ticker
to create a new subclass of GtkDrawingArea so that you can
register a factory for that subtype, not for GtkDrawingArea.

> In the applet, drawing area is created and then added to
> the container 'frame'. This frame is packed with the
> vertical box along with the scroll buttons (left and right).
> This vertical box is added to the PanelApplet container.
> Widget Hierarchy :
> PanelApplet
>     +----------VBox
>                       +-------Frame
>                                     +--------GtkDrawingArea
> The stock text is written on the drawing area using
> gdk calls.
> The ferret output for the "stock text display area" shows
> Widget Name                 - PanelApplet
> Accessible Type             - Gail Container
> Parent Accessible Type  - GailWindow
> Please comment if I am right or wrong in selecting
> gtk_drawing_area as the widget to provide Atk Text
> interface. If I am right how does AT gets the handle
> for the gtk_drawing_area and how to test ?.
> Regards
> Jagadeesh
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