Re: [g-a-devel]Accessibility for Menu Bar Applet


I am not replying to the issues you raised in your mail, but rather the keynav 

I have just made a change to gnome-panel/libpanel-applet/panel-applet.c which 
should fix the problem I described in bug 72952.

When I run panel-menu-applet the focus is in the PanelApplet as none of the 
widgets in the panel-menu-applet can gain focus.

We have a problem with implementing keynav for panel-menu-applet. The applet, 
essentially, consists of a GtkMenuBar whish is running in a different process to 
the panel.

The normal way that keynav works for a GtkMenuBar is that the keystroke F10 
causes the first menuitem in the menubar to be selected. A recent change made to 
GTK+ allows Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+Shift+Tab to cycle through the menubars in a window.

In our case, the panel-menu-applet is running in a different process to the 
panel and is displayed on the panel by using a GtkSocket/GtkPlug (or 
BonoboSocket/BonoboPlug, if you prefer). In any case, the menubar in the 
panel-menu-applet is in the GtkPlug (which is a GtkWindow) which is a different 
window from the panel's window.

I think we need to discuss with Calum what he would expect to happen for 


> Hello,
> I am trying to provide acessibility to Menu Bar Applet
> (panel-menu-applet) that uses mainly GTK Widgets and has no Custom
> widgets. Key Nav issues were raised in this list earlier and is now
> tracked as bug #72952 in bugzilla.
> Please comment on the following accessibility changes I plan to add to
> the Panel-Menu-Applet.
> 1. The menus (e.g., Application, Actions, Workspaces etc) in the main
> applet menu shell need consistent tooltips. Currently only the
> "Preferences" menu has a tooltip.
> The Panel-Menu-Applet can be customised via the "Menu Bar Properties" &
> The "Add" (menu items to applet) dialogs. Here,
> 2. ATK Relation can be provided for:
> a. Relating the label (used for description) to the buttons in the "Add"
> Dialog.
> b. Relate all instances of label/widget pairs where the label describes
> the widget. The widgets are mainly GtkEntry and 1 spin button.
> 3. Provide for different widgets(mainly button) in various dialogs for
> better description.
> Please do point out if I have overlooked something.
> Regards,
> Hema.

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