Re: [g-a-devel] AtkInterfaces for gnome-about

Thanks Bill !		

Bill Haneman wrote:
> Deepa Natarajan wrote:
> > The contributors names appear in a rectangle contained in the GtkDrawing
> > area. I plan to expose the names as children of the GtkDrawingArea
> > widget. And each child would implement AtkTextInterface.
> I think this is not a good idea, since the names scroll, don't they?
> Implementing AtkText for scrolling items is a real mess.  Since the
> names are unattributed text,
> it may be better just to use AtkObject's atk_object_get_name here.

I was trying to use AtkObject for the names.

When i load the application with ferret, and focus on the drawing area
(where the names appear), there is no description for this in ferret.
i.e. Ferret does not seem to recognize this widget. I also tried by
setting the menu option to mouse track. And it did not recognize the
drawing area.

The drawing area has a GdkRectangle and the names are drawn on this
rectangle. Is that the reason ? 

I am stuck as, how to set up the AtkObject in this case. So please
provide me with information, to go ahead with this.

Any idea would help !


P.s : The Gle hierarchy for the GtkDrawingArea
|- GnomeDialog
       |- GtkVBox
          |- GtkVBox
             |- GtkHBox         
             |  |- GtkFrame
             |  |   |- GtkDrawingArea

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