Re: include <liblongfoobar/liblongfoobar.h>

Michael Meeks <michael ximian com> writes:
> 	It looks as if we've moved eg. libgnomecanvas.h into
> libgnomecanvas/libgnomecanvas.h; why !?
> 	What is the point in redundant namespacing ? it causes my fingers
> pain, and breaks code that sensibly expected the header to be in a
> reasonable place :-)
> 	Is this planned ? is there a good reason for it that I'm missing ?

Typically you want namespacing for the files on disk, and for the
#include line in the C file. e.g. "#include <tree.h>" like libxml used
to have = bad even if tree.h is in a subdir on the filesystem.

However in this case libgnomecanvas.h may already be unique enough,
it's not tree.h.


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