Re: pkg-config idldir and Requires

On Fri, 2001-11-02 at 13:30, Darin Adler wrote:
> pkg-config knows that Cflags need to be unioned between the package and all
> other packages that it requires
> We use --variable=idldir in a similar way, but because pkg-config doesn't
> know what idldir is, you don't get the transitive dependencies. Thus I have
> to know that including Bonobo.h from libbonobo in turn includes headers from
> the idl directory of bonobo-activation, and I have to include
> bonobo-activation on my pkg-config line, even though libbonobo-2.0.pc does
> say "Requires: bonobo-activation-2.0".
> Is there a simple way to fix this? Perhaps an option to tell pkg-config that
> the variable you are fetching has the kind of transitive semantics that
> Cflags and Libs do? Or we could just go nuts and add IDLflags.
> Or we could just shout "API freeze" and leave it alone.

the other problem is that it is idldir and not idlflags, so you can't
even chain them, but must do them separately:
    ORBIT_IDL="`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=orbit_idl ORBit-2.0`"
    BONOBO_IDLDIR="`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=idldir libbonobo-2.0`"
    BONOBO_ACT_IDLDIR="`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=idldir

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