gtkhtml2 status

Hi all,

A few people on this list has requested some status report
from the gtkhtml2 maintainers, so here it comes:

Gtkhtml2 is written from scratch to be a small and
lightweight HTML-rendering library for gtk+. And at
the same time aiming to be as standards compliant
as possible.

Things done (at least partly working):
- css1 support (all except 6 properties).
- css2 support (60-70% done).
- DOM support.
- model-view design.
- html4 support (all but a few tags).
- forms support (currently a bit broken).
- image support (not animated).
- incremental relayout.
- bidi and unicode support (should work, but not much tested).

Things not done yet:
- text selection (this has to be done).
- frames support.
- script language support.
- editing (the DOM interface should be used).

gtkhtml2 only depends on gtk+ and gnome-xml.

More information can be found at

Jonas Borgström and Anders Carlsson

Jonas Borgström                  jonas codefactory se
CodeFactory AB         
Office: +46 (0)90 71 86 10       Cell: +46 (0)70 248 89 58

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