Re: init clarity needed

On Monday, July 16, 2001, at 04:10  PM, Martin Baulig wrote:

Yeah, the properties are totally optional and you shouldn't use them unless
you have a reason to do so.
Here's my original question in a more-specific form.

I have a test program in eel.

It does not use bonobo, I don't think, although I have a hard time knowing the boundaries between libbonobo and libgnome these days. I replaced the test program's old code that called gnome_init to call gnome_program_init and then call gtk_init. I was surprised that I had to call both. Is that the correct way to do it? If so, I want to complain (mildly) that these two new calls are more complicated than the single old one in GNOME 1, and having to pass the moduleinfo struct and the vararg list of properties makes it hard for me to know if I did it right.
The eel test currently doesn't pass any properties at all. Is that right?

When I tried this, I crashed because I hadn't set the config moniker. Was that just a bug?
    -- Darin

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