Re: GNOME 1.4 extra apps coordinators

> release.  The way I see my role, it is to help coordinate the authors
> of GNOME applications that are not considered part of the core, so
> that when GNOME 1.4 comes out, we can point people to a list on a web
> page or an ftp server and say, "Here are a bunch of apps that have
> been released and will work well with your GNOME 1.4 system."

Precisely.  And it will be entirely up to distributors to decide what
they want to include, if anything (and how they want to package stuff)
from the extra apps release.  So Mandrake may decide to include all
the gnome extra apps in one or two packages (maybe gnome-extra-apps,
gnome-applets-extra, etc.), while Redhat may include them in
individual packages by maybe grouping applets into one package).

Jamin Philip Gray
jgray writeme com

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