Re: [gnet-devel] Compiling Gnet

On Tue, 24 Jun 2008, n duarte wrote:

> Hello again, I have come across another problem. pkg-config does not seem 
> to be able to find gthread-2.0.pc even though it is in the pkg-config
> directory. Does this make any sense to you?


I believe pkg-config tries to find *.pc files in the folder pointed to by the
PKG_CONFIG_PATH system variable. If you type "SET PKG_CONFIG_PATH" in a DOS
command window it'll tell you what yours is set to. If it's not got the path
to the folder containing gthread-2.0.pc (which e.g. is "C:\Program
Files\GTK\lib\pkgconfig" on my system), then you'll need to add that in.

You may also need to ensure the bin, lib and include folders inside the GTK
install folder are included in your PATH, LIB and INCLUDE system variables
respectively. I seem to recall (although I could be mistaken) that the
automatic installer doesn't necessarily set these up for you either.

Hope this helps.



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