Re: [gnet] gnet CVS: /usr/include/gnet/gnet.h:54: syntax error before `const'

On 24 Oct 2001, Ross Golder wrote:
> I'm trying to use ORBit2/glib2 in my program.
> Have you ported the glib related code to glib2 yet on a CVS branch or
> something?
> If not, have you determined what needs to be done?
> I don't know what is involved in porting from glib to glib2, but I
> expect it's only a few API changed here and there. If it hasn't been
> done, I would be willing to help.

I haven't, so I expect the problem is GUTIL_C_VAR has changed somehow.

I don't expect it will take much to port it.  The Windows port has been
using 1.3 as I understand.  If you want to try it out, send me any
necessary changes.  I probably won't get around to it for another week or


      __          _    __ David Helder - dhelder umich edu
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