Re: [gmime-devel] GMime gets support for inline PGP

On 3/16/2017 9:28 AM, Jeffrey Stedfast via gmime-devel-list wrote:
With respect to Inline PGP, though, there are lots of potential bugbears.
Some questions to make sure these functions are safe to use:

  0) How does GMime deal with data *outside* the OpenPGP signed stanza?

     For example, what happens if Mallory takes an inline-signed message
     from Bob, appends some text $foo to it outside the message
     signature, and sends it to Alice?  If Alice calls
     g_mime_part_openpgp_verify() on the message part, will she see Bob's
     signature? if so, will $foo will appear in the un-encapsulated
     message or will it be stripped?
Text outside of the PGP begin/end markers will be stripped.

Not sure that's the best solution, but... it's simple.

FWIW, one of the Balsa devs suggested that perhaps g_mime_part_openpgp_verify() could keep the surrounding text segments but return a GMimeVerifyResults-type of object that has both the GMimeSignatureList and the begin/end byte offsets of the verified text so that the client could use those begin/end offsets to somehow indicate to the user that only that portion of the text has been verified.

Just something I *may* think about...


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