Re: [gmime-devel] From lines

Hey Peter,

Thanks for pointing this out. It was a good catch (

I’ve committed a fix to gmime on github.


On 7/8/17, 5:02 PM, "gmime-devel-list on behalf of Peter Bloomfield" <gmime-devel-list-bounces gnome org on 
behalf of peterbloomfield bellsouth net> wrote:

    Hi Jeff,
    I still occasionally see "=46rom " lines in messages displayed by Balsa, and each time that I've checked 
the source, the content-transfer-encoding of the text part is 7bit. When adding a message to an mbox-type 
folder, Balsa applies a GMimeFilterFrom to the entire message stream, so it's not feasible to simply add a 
GMimeFilterBasic with encoding GMIME_CONTENT_ENCODING_QUOTEDPRINTABLE to the filtered stream.
    I see in mime_part_encode (gmime/gmime-part.c) that GMIME_CONTENT_ENCODING_7BIT "is always safe", and is 
left alone, whereas GMIME_CONTENT_ENCODING_DEFAULT drops through to getting an encoding from 
g_mime_filter_best_encoding, which in turn checks GMimeFilterBest::hadfrom, and returns 
    Since 7bit encoding doesn't preclude from-lines, I feel that GMIME_CONTENT_ENCODING_7BIT should also be 
checked for them, and promoted to GMIME_CONTENT_ENCODING_QUOTEDPRINTABLE when necessary.
    Balsa imposes the GMIME_ENCODING_CONSTRAINT_7BIT constraint, so 8bit parts are always checked--7bit is 
the only transfer-encoding that causes the problem.

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