Re: [gmime-devel] GMimeFilterHTML: ignoring URL at the end of part?

Hi Gaute,

Just to rule out, can you write a simple program to do this?

char buffer[4096];
ssize_t n;

while ((n = g_mime_stream_read (filtered_stream, buffer, 4096) > 0)
    write (1, buffer, n);

(in this case filtered_stream is your HTML filtered stream, set up the same way you are setting it up in

It sounds to me like you are saying that priv->filtered has the data at line 231 in gmime-stream-filter.c? If so, then a subsequent call to g_mime_stream_read() should scoop up the remaining filtered data. If another call is not being made to g_mime_stream_read(), then it sounds like a bug in

Presumably at some point, g_mime_stream_read() is reading 0 bytes from the source stream, and so the "if (nread <= 0) ..." code-path is taken (line 191). At this point, the g_mime_stream_eos() check on the source stream should return true, and priv->flushed should be false, so it should go into that code-path and loop over all of the filters calling the complete() method on them. At the end of that loop, priv->filteredlen should have a value > 0 which means that the "if <nread <= 0) return nread" check should fail, allowing the code to fall through to the end of the function which will copy data from priv->filtereddata into your buffer.

Hope that helps explain how things *should* work... whether they do or not, I can't tell, because I can't get gmime to build on my Mac yet :-(


On 4/9/2015 3:44 AM, Gaute Hope wrote:
Excerpts from Gaute Hope's message of September 11, 2014 8:44:
Excerpts from Jeffrey Stedfast's message of September 10, 2014 15:21:
Hi Gaute,

I suspect that the problem is that you are pulling data through the filter as opposed to pushing data through it. The complete() method of the GMimeFilterHTML filter is probably not getting called when the end of the stream has been reached (which it needs in order to recognize that the url is complete).

If this is the case, then it's a bug in GMime, but I'm not sure where. The bug is probably in GMimeStreamFilter's stream_read() implementation, but I do not currently have a development machine that I can use to test/debug this.

If you could step through gmime-stream-filter.c's stream_read() in a debugger and see if the code-path that calls the complete() method on each filter is called, that would at least tell us if my theory is correct or if it is actually a bug in GMimeFilterHTML's logic instead.

Hi Jeff,

I've tried stepping through GMimeStreamFilter's stream_read(), but I
haven't been able to make any sense of it yet.

It seems that the last part of the text is at some point converted to
HTML, but that it is done in a separate iteration (shows up when I put a
breakpoint before return at line 231). All this using version 2.6.20 of

In short, I have not been able to figure out what the problem is yet.
All the filters seem to be run through the complete() method though.

I won't have time to try any more this week.

Thanks for the help so far,

Hi again Jeff + list,

as you have probably noticed I put up a bug report (#744417 [0]) for

I've also largely isolated the issue in a test case for my
implementation [1] with a test email [2]. Do you have any other hints
for how I can either change my implementation to 'push' data through the
filter or debug the issue in gmime?

This bug (wherever it is..) keeps coming back and biting me..

Regards, Gaute


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