Re: [gmime-devel] resetting stream after g_mime_object_write_to_stream

Hi Oliver,

I've just fixed this in git master...

[more below]

On 8/20/2013 3:03 PM, Oliver Giles wrote:
I'm using gmime-2.6 on Arch Linux to manipulate a basic multipart file. Under a particular combination of actions I am no longer able to read data from the streams obtained from the content objects of individual parts:

#include <gmime/gmime.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>

static void each_part(GMimeObject *up, GMimeObject *part, gpointer user_data) {
if(GMIME_IS_PART(part)) {
 GMimeDataWrapper* dw = g_mime_part_get_content_object(GMIME_PART(part));
 GMimeStream* ms = g_mime_data_wrapper_get_stream(dw);

In the meantime, you can put a g_mime_stream_reset() right here.

 gint64 l = g_mime_stream_length(ms);
 char* s = malloc(g_mime_stream_length(ms));

also, if the content stream is encoded (check g_mime_data_wrapper_get_encoding()), then the content you get back will be base64 or quoted-printable and not really readable.

What you really want to do here is use g_mime_data_wrapper_write_to_stream() so that it gets decoded.

This would actually avoid your issue because g_mime_data_wrapper_write_to_stream() resets the stream before and after writing the data.

If you want the content to be in a memory buffer, you can use a GMimeStreamMem and then just dereference the GByteArray buffer that backs the GMimeStreamMem.

 gint64 r = g_mime_stream_read(ms, s, l);
printf("content object is %lld bytes long, read %lld bytes (%s)\n", l, r, strerror(errno));
 errno = 0;

Hope that helps,


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