[gmime-devel] unexpected rewrapping in long lines


Below was confirmed on gmime-2.4 and gmime-2.6

When a message with a long utf7 encoded lines passes through gmime every
works as expected, except when a header is added to the message along
the line.

Consider below message. The quotation style was used to preserve indenting.

From: test
To: test2
Subject: qqqq wwwwwww [eee 


when it gets parsed as-is, everything is alright -
g_mime_object_to_string returns the message exactly as fed in.

However, when a header is added after parsing the message, the subject
line in this case gets re-wrapped in what appears to be an incorrect
fashion. At least, thunderbird and other mail clients don't grok it any

Say a header 'X-Test' is set on above message:

g_mime_object_set_header(message->content, "X-Test", "testing");
g_mime_object_write_to_stream(message->content, message->stream);

Now if I do g_mime_object_get_headers on the message->content
GMimeMessage object I get:

From: test
To: test2
Subject: qqqq wwwwwww [eee
X-Test: testing

and the top-level mime-part also gets encoded as:


Does this ring any bells for you?

Paul J Stevens        pjstevns @ gmail, twitter, skype, linkedin

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