[gmime-devel] GMime 2.5.5 released - also a request for comments


I've just released GMime 2.5.5 with a bunch of added features for crypto
enthusiasts. You can get the tarballs in the usual place on
ftp.gnome.org (or mirror) or from git if you prefer.

One thing to note: if you've been using software built against an older
version of 2.5.x, you *will* need to rebuild that software because I've
changed the GMimeCryptoHash and GMimeCryptoPubKeyAlgo enums to align
with gpg[me]'s values so I didn't have to map the enum values back and

That said... 2.5.x's API's are closing in on something final.

A few future API changes I'd like to run by people:

In 2.5.5, I added a GMimeDecryptionResult (should this be renamed to
GMimeDecryptResult?) which is similar to GMimeSignatureValidity in that
it is a struct returned from a GMimeCryptoContext method that has an
assortment of data the caller might be interested in.

1. Should GMimeSignatureValidity be renamed to GMimeVerifyResult? This
would be in tune with GpgMe's naming convention... not that GMime has to
follow suit, but it might make things more consistent. I'm sitting on
the fence on this one... I could easily go either way. What do you guys

2. g_mime_multipart_encrypted_decrypt() returns a GMimeObject and takes
an output param for the GMimeDecryptionResult. Should it perhaps swap
these? I.e. return the GMimeDecryptionResult and take the GMimeObject as
an output param? This might be more consistent with
g_mime_multipart_signed_verify() in that they'd both return the "result"
struct, but verify() doesn't need to return any other info. I'm leaning
toward no change here... anyone feel different?

3. I'm not sure I like the (inconsistent) naming convention in
gmime-crypto-context.h for the various enums... GMimeCryptoHash,
GMimeCryptoPubKeyAlgo, GMimeCryptoCipherAlgo... - should GMimeCryptoHash
be renamed to GMimeCryptoDigestAlgo? Should I drop the "Crypto"?

Thanks all and I hope you enjoy playing with 2.5.5!


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