Re: [gmime-devel] Malformed name in from/to header results in hang

Hi Bastian,

On 07/13/2011 06:26 AM, Bastian Pfennigschmidt wrote:
Ok, I've found a workaround for this behavior.
1. It seems that the iconv returns errno ERANGE in case of that german umlaut character, if source encoding is set to UTF-8. So I added this ERANGE error code to the last if block "if (errno == EINVAL || errno == EILSEQ || errno == ERANGE)". In that case we do not run into an infinite loop.

Interesting! I did not know iconv() could throw ERANGE! The man page does not document this :-(

I will have to add support for it anyway... Thank you for looking into this issue!

But this is not the correct solution because the result string contains a question mark instead the correct german umlaut, so I take a look at the source charset which are passed to the iconv function and found that the only source charset tried by gmime was UTF-8. The gmime library tries to get the local_charset by calling setlocale in gmime-charset.c (g_mime_charset_map_init) - but this doesn't seem to work on my Windows environment. The value returned for LC_CTYPE is "German_Germany.1252" which results in locale = "1252" and this is not a valid iconv charset.
As a bugfix for Windows I add the following lines of code to determine the current charset via glib.
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
 locale = setlocale (LC_ALL, NULL);

Hmm.. Again, thank you for looking into this issue. I wonder if I should just use the g_get_charset() solution for Linux as well. Would save code, at least.

Now I get CP1252 which is a correct charset for iconv and now my german umlaut will be encoded into UTF-8 correctly.

Good to hear!

I will try to hack up these fixes into GMime git and make new releases this weekend.

Thanks again for your debugging and research!


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