On 03/11/2010 05:44 AM, vaibhav gurav wrote:
Hi Jeffrey ,
Thanks for your quick reply .
I little bit found what is the problem,even though passing multipart
data buffer Gmime object created is of content type is text/plain .
This I found out by
code snippet::
const GMimeContentType* gmimecontentType =
string gmimeType = gmimecontentType->type ;
string gmimesubcontentType = gmimecontentType->subtype ;
here I found value are gmimeType is text and
gmimesubcontentType is plain
I am creating the GmimeObject to parse this curl buffer(i.e. end with
Data buffer ::
In order for GMime to know that it's a multipart, it needs to have a
Content-Type header which has a value of "multipart/<something>"
as well as a "boundary" parameter which, in this case, should have a
value of "abcd1234xwyz7890"
Content-Type: text/vnd.wap.wml
Not sure why GMime is coming up with the Content-Type as being
text/plain, perhaps the boundary marker confused it?
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml">
<do type="prev" name="sb" label="Go
<do type="accept" name="PostResults" label="PostResults">
<go href=""/></do>
<card id="C1" title="Gif Image">
<h3>Gif Image in WML page</h3>
<p> verify that the image is displayed below.<br/>
<img src=""true"
alt="Gif image"/><br/>
Post Results
<go href="">
Content-Type: image/gif
Content-Location: http://testsuite.nokia-boston.com/content/MultipartMixed/MultipartMixed_images/web1.gif
- how I parse this buffer using gmime ?
I am doing like this
code snippet::
g_mime_init(0); //only one time
//try to make GmimeObject so i can do parsing operation this
GMimeStream* stream =
g_mime_stream_seek (stream, 0, GMIME_STREAM_SEEK_END);
g_mime_stream_write (stream, "\r\n", 1); // as this curl buffer \r\n
giving it uses line endings
g_mime_stream_reset (stream);
GMimeParser* parser = g_mime_parser_new_with_stream(stream);
GMimeObject* mimeObject = g_mime_parser_construct_part(parser);
//checking the content type -Expected it must be mutipart/mixed(I pass
above data buffer in this )
string gmimeType = gmimecontentType->type ;
string gmimesubcontentType = gmimecontentType->subtype ;
//if is it mutipart
if (GMIME_IS_MULTIPART(mimeObject))
string multipartmainResourceType =
g_mime_object_get_content_type_parameter(mimeObject, "type");
Problem ::
1.I am following right way or any other way to make buffer of multipart
data and parse this .
2.After passing mutipart buffer this must true on GMIME_IS_MULTIPART(..) ,but i am getting
false value .
The problem is that GMime needs the multipart headers as well, not just
the multipart's content (which is all you are giving to it).
Hope that helps,