Re: [gmime-devel] What's the preferred way to retrieve message body?

Title: RE: [gmime-devel] What's the preferred way to retrieve message body?
On 01/22/2010 04:14 PM, Junping Zhang wrote:

> Part of the problem is that some mailers might split the body into
> multiple text parts (for various reasons, such as trying to be fancy
> about embedding images between paragraphs of text or whatever else w/o
> resorting to using text/html).

I would like to see examples like this. If they don't use HTML, how do
they know where to put the embedded images (via "Content-ID")? I don't
know how regular mailers know how to render this "correctly".

They just do:

<some text>
<some text>

And so on. It's a very simple way of doing "embedded" multimedia. I doubt (m)any modern mail clients do this, but I have run into messages like that sent from older mailers.

Jamie Zawinski used to have an assortment of messages that he used for testing his mime parser in Netscape Mail that we borrowed for Evolution development and that I used a lot for testing in GMime as well. I'd like to make my test sources public at some point, but I've got a lot of personal emails mixed in with Jamie's (plus I have over a gig of mail that I test against which makes it non-trivial to make public).


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