Re: [gmime-devel] [Patch] Fix two issues in gmime 2.4.1 (and current SVN) - segfault fix

On Wed, 2008-10-22 at 10:31 +0200, Damian Pietras wrote:
> Here are two messages that will crash gmime 2.4.1 and current SVN.
> First is a message with a header that contains only white space chars.
> Second is a short message which crashes gmime probably because it has
> UNIX style EOL chars and gmime assumes that lines contain at least 2
> chars.
> Both bugs are patched.

Thanks for the fixes! I've applied them to svn and will be in the GMime
2.4.3 release, which, since I'm likely to be home sick, will probably be
made today :)

Thanks again,


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