Re: ? upload csv - I have problems with the cvs import feature

I tried to import plain tables that I created with Excel. I opened the tables in Openoffice and Gnumeric without problems. Then I saved them in the cvs format. Actually these two cvs files differ from each other. But Glom fails to import both of them. The failure is partial, since around 1/4 of the records are correctly loaded. I believed that the different cvs formats was an issue, therefore I created a dummy table whit Glom and exported it as a cvs file. This should reveal the cvs formatting adopted by Glom. In fact the Glom cvs format differ from the previous two. But unfortunately, when I tried to re-import the cvs file generated with Glom in Glom it self, the operation failed since many fields where misinterpreted, although all the records have been loaded.

So, I have two question, a practical one and a general one:

 - Which format is suitable to import data in Glom?

 - Why Glom is not compatible with the cvs format chosen in Gnumeric?

It would be kind of you to address at least one question, preferably the first one.
I look forward to your answer.

Kind regards

Quoting Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>:

On Thu, 2011-01-06 at 12:47 +0100, Farkas, Illes wrote:

Can the user load a CSV file into glom?

Yes, there is an import feature. It might still have some problems

murrayc murrayc com

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