Re: Glom suport bigs databases?

On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 12:47 -0200, Arq. Maximiliano Meilán wrote:

I have a database with my clients (customers)
Have a table for each year, since 1998 (1998, 1999, 2000, ..., 2008) 
Each table have 60 fields (name, city, etc... and short data in each
Each table have near 60 records (clients in one year)

That's not a lot of data. It should be no problem.

It doesn't sound like a very sensible table structure though.

Can Glom support this and some years more in only one database , or I
have to make a database for each year?
Don't like the last, because open and close a Glom database is not too
fast, and Im always changing data from clients of the last 2 or 3 years.

Thanks very much, Maxi

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