Re: pygda-1.2 and ligdamm-2.0 missing

On Mon, 2006-09-11 at 14:35 -0500, Nuno Zimas wrote:

I'm trying to compile GLOM on the top of PCLOS, an rpm based distro,
and there seem to be only a small dependency issue left:

No package 'pygda-1.2' found
No package 'libgdamm-2.0' found

I have installed all the packages that could contain these libs, but
no luck. 

As far as i could investigate, pygda-1.2 is usually part of

Yes, but you might not have a new enough version, or you might not have
installed the -dev or -devel package.

 As to libgdamm-2.0, i have no idea.

That should be in its own rpm(s).

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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