Compiling Glom on FC5?

Hi all,

I've been interested in running Glom on my Fedora box for a long time,
but I'm not a big fan of installing bleeding-edge unpackaged software,
so I haven't been able to run it as of yet. Now with the release of FC5,
I think I'm really close to being able to run Glom, but there are a few
barriers in my way. I have two observations and a question:

*) I need pygda-1.2. I've been able to dig up references to this (eg gnome org/msg00045.html) but
there were no hints from the Glom download page, and the top Google hit
is not helpful. Might be useful to put info about this on the Wiki. (I
didn't want to do that unilaterally though.) And, referencing Murray's
linked email, the FC5 gnome-python2-extras package doesn't seem to
contain pygda.

*) I need libgdamm > 1.3.7. The Glom Download page makes it look like
this should just come with gtkmm but this doesn't appear to be the case,
at least in the FC5 packages.

*) I'm OK with just compiling libgdamm separately. However, it wants to
compile against libgda-1.9.101, whereas FC5 packages 1.9.100. So close!
I tried just editing the configure check, but got a compile error; are
the differences between 100 and 101 small enough so that I can just fix
things with a small change to libgdamm, or do I really need to get
1.9.101 installed?

Please CC replies to me directly.



Peter Williams / peter newton cx

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