Re: New Image Control

Forgive such an obvious question, but I can't yet run Glom until I get a
newer distro installed and after reading I'm not sure I
read it correctly.

Based on it appears that the image can only pull from a
local drive?
Possibly. I'd welcome a patch to take if from any gnome-vfs location. But
the image data is then stored in the database. It's not a link.

I see that you show the file picker when in devel mode
which is why I assume it's local files only.  I couldn't find where the
image resource was put into the DB or uploaded to a global resource
It's added as part of the generic INSERT INTO SQL statement. Field::sql()
creates a SQL representation of any field's data. This needs some

I'm just trying to understand how your handling data resources like
images and I assume attachments in the future.
I'd like to keep it simple for now. Or, I'd at least like to see someone
else do the work if they need additional functionality.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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