Gunther, thank you for your answer. Indeed, the program is designed to run "/etc/init.d/net.ath0" command, for example. For this command to run, it is needed the root password. Have you ever seen Synaptic or other program that needs to do a admin task and asks the root password? That's what I want to spawns a new (shell) process. This is a new Process, so its completely separated from the process it have been called. After the line system("su -") you program would be sleeping and the opened shell would not get any new commands like the call to your init script. Simple solution: Just pop up a box saying that the user has to start /etc/init.d/net.ath0 start before using your program.The root password should be typed in a entry box, let's say 'rootpasswordentry'. I know I could get it's text with rootpasswordentry->get_text().This does not help either since your box would ask the root passwort in the user process. su instead spawns the new process before asksing the passwort. This reduces the risk that the passwort gets keylogged. In fact program would be a root passwort sniffer which has to be rejected.Any idea, guys? What do you recommend me to read? Should I continue with Gtkmm 2.4 Book (it seems just like a reference book since the ¨ "Button" chapter)?Well your problem isnt gtkmm or glade based. But read on :)Maybe you want to beek into Advanced UNIX Programming (2nd Edition): Bye Gunther Thank you again. Best wishes, Arthur |