[glade--]Problem adding a custom widget dinamicaly

I'm using glade-2 to make the UI, its works great but when I want to add a custom widget into a container dinamicaly (not from the glade, thats its from my code) the widget doen't appear.

Lets go to the code:

In the constructor of the window I do:

this->ds.signal_expose_event().connect(SigC::slot(this->ds, &drawingarea_custom::on_drawingarea_custom_expose_event)); this->ds.signal_realize().connect(SigC::slot(this->ds, &drawingarea_custom::on_drawingarea_custom_realize));

ds is a custom drawingarea, that I try to insert into a empty HBox.

The expose and realize event works but the widget is not visible , the expose event should paint all the window of the drawingarea_custom to blue, but doesn't.

By the way, is there a way to insert a custom widget directly from the glade?

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