Re: [glade--]strange behavior with signals for buttons when menubar also present

Mark Jones wrote:
I am seeing some very strange behavior tonight.  I have some buttons along with a menubar.  I assigned button press signal handlers to the buttons.  I then ran glade--, and began compilation and got the following error:

This is intended behaviour. glade-- will never touch your files (see users guide but instead generate a mainWindow.hh_new which contains the necessary function declarations. You have to copy them to the place you like them at. Writing a _robust_ parser to insert the functions at the right place did not seem to be reasonable effort.

Actually, older versions of glade-- did not use the abstract mechanism but you got a compile error in if some signal callbacks were missing.

Believe me, it is somewhat annoying in the beginning, but you really get used to appreciate it.

Now, we can see it left all of the menu signals (except this optionmenu1, I can't find that anywhere in my glade file so I don't know where that is coming from).

glade-- did not remove it (this is obviously the right thing to do with user written code).

Anyone else seeing this at all?  I am seeing another problem, but I'll address this in a separate message.

Of course everybody sees this behaviour.


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