[glade--]Re: glademm errors...

Mohamed Ibrahim wrote:

Attached after correction,

I'm working on Redhat linux 8.0, I tried to compile the latest glademm, and I
found the following two errors (not big ones):

1. The gcc compiler did not realize it should include "fstream.h" when it met the line #include<fstream>
without the ".h".

This clearly is a compiler/installation problem. I don't know why your system does not recognize standard c++ ...

2. Needed an extra casting step at line #174
   is.read((char*)buf,sizeof buf);

I don't know if you had those solved already... just trying to help.

Thanks for reporting.

You didn't tell me the version you tried to compile (latest is somewhat vague). AFAIK 1.1.1c should compile fine. If not, can you please test the CVS version (see README).


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