[glade--]Re: glade-- patches

Bryan W. Headley wrote:
Christof Petig wrote:

Bryan W. Headley wrote:

This baseline contains,

+ GtkImageMenuItem

Can't work this way. You should base new widgets on either very similar ones or very simple ones. But it's difficult to decide. But both widget's carry load which is not needed. GtkLabel is a good choice.

Yeah, it's based off of the old pixmapmenuitem! You want to redesign the other menuitems?

Yes, I do. I want to specify the Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem*(...) within the Widget itself and not within menu/menushell. The push_back code within menu(bar).cc is not really nice. And the gnome support (within menubar.cc) might need some more OO redesign, too.

+ GtkSeparatorMenuItem

There is no gtkmm/separatormenuitem.h - So I'm not quite sure whether this is really a Gtkmm widget. Perhaps the correct way is to teach menu.c: AddMenuChild how to do it.

No, it's a gtk/separatormenuitem.h. It's not deprecated! We can do a wrap, but it doesn't support many attributes.

I fear, we will never need this writer (besides to specify a MenuElem() call).

I'll prepare a more simple test set and check again.

For some reason my mind's not working yet. I'm usually awake by now, but not today. Took me 1/2 hour to understand your comments...

Sorry. Perhaps my English is playing tricks on me and you.

If you wan't to check, too: Inside the tests directory are some tests which I use to test glade--'s gtkmm-2 capabilities. test49_image.glade is working now (embedded xpm, loaded .gif and stock image). And test50_menu2 is the next to get to compile.

Spent 20 seconds looking at gcode. It was right; it DOES remind me of Inti. I was there for that argument, and have nothing to contribute to it.

Can you please summarize your impression in one to two sentences. I don't know Inti, but seeing just another C++ wrapper for gtk+ reminds me of reinventing the wheel. Gtkmm-2 is great and gtk-- has seen many years of development. It's just a strange thought to start another wrapper with same goals (being thin). But I checked it out to take a look.


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