Re: [glade--]radiobutton "clicked" signal handler

On Wed, 29 May 2002, Christof Petig wrote:

> Syed Sajjad Lateef wrote:
> > 1. I would like only B's signal handler called when B is clicked. I don't
> > want to have the signal handler for A called. How can I do this?
> Please ask on the gtkmm mailing list and then tell me, too. I'd love to 
> know myself, but didn't find the time to ask or investigate.

Thanks, Christof. And, Thank You, for creating and maintaining glademm. 

After further investigation, I created a separate Gtk::RadioButton::Group 
object for each radio button. This ensured that the signal for each radio 
button was sent only to that button. 

Initially, I tried assigning 'user_data' to each button and then accessing
the 'user_data' from each callback function. I was hoping that only the 
user_data for the button that was clicked would be sent to both buttons. 
But, no, different user_data (corresponding to each button) was sent to 
those buttons. 

I realize that this is a non-standard way of using the radio button. But,
I need circular "active" areas for an imagemap. Until I can figure out a
way to do an imagemap correctly in Gtk--/glademm, I am using the circular
radiobuttons to define the active areas of the imagemap (therefore, a
different theme would not be of much help).


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