hi everybody !
- iam a student doing my project work ive developed a voice chat application on linux i use RedHat Linux 7.2 . ive used a downloaded stack from www.openh323.org (its a c++ stack) now since im new to linux , glade glademm etc i dont know how to integrate the code with Glade developed (ive not yet developed a gui but will ) GUI. to be more specific ive got the program that is the voice chat application working from the terminal prompt but now i want a gui for it .ill develop one soon ...but how do i compile both together is the problem.
when i compile a program using this stack i use a Makefile supplied with the stack - now i have no idea how to integrate the two -
1) what r the modfications to be made and where is my question ?
please do reply - thanks in advance - aug first week is the submission dates :-) for my project work .
hope to hear from u soon .
best regards,