[glade--]Re: glade-- and gtkmm-1.3

Petr Ferschmann wrote:

I did not found version of glade-- which supports gtkmm with version 1.3. Is there any support now? I would like to help you with that.

	Thank you for your answer

Current Situation:

glademm 0.6.4b should recognize gtkmm2, and tell you that it would generate code for it. But actually there is no single line which is gtkmm2 specific.

What needs to be done:

1- the file format of glade-2 has changed, glademm needs to understand both (different XML tree, now glade-2 uses attributes). So an abstraction layer is needed (I need support for both file formats)

2- the autoconf code has to detect correct parameters (include path, library path/name) using PKG_CONFIG (?)

3- perhaps the API of some widgets has changed (e.g. Pixmap), so these widgets need to generate different code:
 if (Configuration.gtkmm_version>=Pkg_Version(1,3,x)) {} else {}

4- the new list widget code needs to be written.

I'd love to do 1. Perhaps a migration to using libxml2 internally is a good idea at the same time.

If you need fast results, use glade (V0.6), start with 2 (should be about 30min time) and try which widgets still work (step 3). If you want you can also address 4. But please keep me informed to avoid duplicate effort.


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