[Glade-users] using post_create_function in python

I am looking for a python example for use of post_create_function.
I wish to override the image of the window or fixed container with an image.
I am creating a custom widget for a machine controller (linuxcnc)

XML file snippit:

    <glade-widget-class name="MAPPED" generic-name="mapped" title="Mapped">

python code snippit:

import gobject,gtk

class MAPPED(gtk.Window):
    __gtype_name__ = 'MAPPED'
    __gproperties__ = {
        'filename' : ( gobject.TYPE_STRING, 'File name for mapped image',
                'file name',
                "Filename", gobject.PARAM_READWRITE|gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT),
    __gproperties = __gproperties__

    def do_post_create(self, obj, reason):
        print "post create"
I am using glade 3.6.7 (I must at present)
I could not find a current example on the net.
closest I could find:
Which is way out of date.
Thanks for any help.

Chris M
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