[Glade-users] Stock-buttons don't display images on Ubuntu 9.10

The problem is that gnome version that uses Ubuntu 9.10, stock buttons are
disabled by default. You should run:


Then find: desktop/gnome/interface and check 'buttons_have_icons' and

2010/3/9 Andreina Mejia <andreinamejia at gmail.com>

Hi, my name is Andreina Mej?a and I'm developing an application with Glade
I just install Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala and I saw when I started Glade that
the interface didn't display the stock-buttons images. I ran the application
and didn't display the stock- buttons images and other images that I used on
the menu items.
I don't know what's happend... I had Ubuntu 9.04 and all was ok...

Any solution?

Thanks in advance!

Glade-users maillist  -  Glade-users at lists.ximian.com

Pablo Recio Quijano

Estudiante de Ingenier?a Inform?tica (UCA)
Alumno colaborador del Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Inform?ticos
Participante del IV Concurso Universitario de Software Libre
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