[Glade-users] Attach Gtk::Image on Gtk::Table dinamically


My problem is that I want to attach Gtk::Image(s) to a Gtk::Table. The table was made with glade and images 
are created at runtime and then add them.

In following is the code I use:

        refXml->get_widget("vbox5", vbox5);
            cout << "En vbox5" << endl;
            Gtk::Image imagen("iconos/cmp_sensorLuz.xpm"); 
            //Gtk::Button boton1("Hola");

            Gtk::Table* m_Table; 
            refXml->get_widget("table4", m_Table);

            //m_Table.attach(boton1, 0, 1, 0, 1);
            m_Table->attach(imagen, 1, 2, 0, 1);


The table is in a vbox. And when I run the program does not display the image and even when I try to add 
buttons does not work.
What's wrong? 

Thanks in advance.

Ronny Tonche

p.d. I? using gtkmm 2.4 and libglademm 2.4.
Descubre Windows 7
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