[Glade-users] examples ?

On Fri, 2007-07-13 at 11:10 -0700, Randy Seedle wrote:
Is there an example somewhere that shows how to
integrate my code with the Glade 3.xx application. For
instance, how to recieve/send notification of events
and data, how to gain access to specific controls (ie.
set the background, choose a different bitmap for
different states (button). 
   I think one of the easiest ways of learning would be
to start with the test-libglade.c program that comes
with the libglade _tarball_.

then you might want to check out gtk.org for some
tutorials and you might want to look at the gtk-demo
program thats in the gtk+ tarball (the gtk-demo program
has a demo for most gtk+ widgets, you can use that code
as example code).


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