[Glade-users] Problem with custom PyGTK widgets within Glade

Oh... So that explains why. Anyway, I'm still gonna take a look at
that branch. Thank you very much.

On Dec 13, 2007 2:51 AM, Tristan Van Berkom <tvb at gnome.org> wrote:
On Dec 12, 2007 11:23 AM, Darwin Bautista <djclue917 at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

This is the first time that I've tried to create custom widgets
(written in Python) for use within Glade so I'm pretty much lost here.
I followed the tutorial here:


    The python bindings project was introduced and stripped from trunk
during the development stages of 3.3, its now sitting in a branch
(branch is called BINDINGS).

To be honest, the code was working fine and was IMO a successful
proof of concept, but was a little out of control in terms of being modular
and integrating well with the core (we cut it out because it was too hard
to concentrate on core glade functionality at the same time), anyone is
ofcourse welcome to work on that code in the branch and we'll merge
it in when its a little more mature (just coordinate with Vincent, Juan
and myself).


Darwin M. Bautista
BS Electronics and Communications Engineering
University of the Philippines Diliman

University of the Philippines Linux Users' Group

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