[Glade-users] Re: Destroy and rebuild a treeview widget


Can somebody tell me what's the function to display a new widget in a
container? I finally managed to build my dynamic tree (thanks
Tristan ;) ) but It still displays nothing... I tried to use
gtk_container remove/add but it didnt change anything... Got an idea?
I think it'd work if i destroy.rebuild the whole window but maybe
there's another way...

Code ( just the bugged function) :

on_btn1menuC_clicked                   (GtkButton       *button,
                                        gpointer         user_data)

gchar *nom_table;
  nom_table = "clients";
g_print("table name : %s...\n", nom_table);

  GtkTreeIter            iter;
  GtkCellRenderer       *rend;
  GtkTreeViewColumn     *col;
  GtkWidget             *treeview;
  GtkListStore          *liststore;
  gchar                 *sql, *label;               
  MYSQL_RES             *res_str;
  MYSQL_FIELD           *field;
  MYSQL_ROW              db_row;
  gint                   i, cols, rows;
  GType     *types;
  GList *list,*l;

treeview= glade_xml_get_widget (xml, "treeview1");
scwindow = glade_xml_get_widget (xml, "scrolledwindow8"); 

liststore =
(GtkListStore*)gtk_tree_view_get_model( GTK_TREE_VIEW(treeview) );

gtk_tree_view_set_model( GTK_TREE_VIEW(treeview), NULL );

l = list = gtk_tree_view_get_columns( GTK_TREE_VIEW(treeview) );
        while ( l != NULL ) 
                g_print("Colonne supprim?e\n");
                        GTK_TREE_VIEW( treeview ),
                        GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN( l->data )
                l = g_list_next( l );
        g_list_free( list );

  sql = g_strconcat("select * from ", nom_table, 0L);  
  g_print("sql is: %s\n", sql);  
  if (mysql_query (conn, sql) != 0)  
      g_print("Echec de la requete...\n");  
  res_str = mysql_store_result (conn); 
  cols = mysql_num_fields(res_str);
  types = (GType*)g_malloc0( cols * sizeof( GType* ) );
  types[0] = G_TYPE_INT;
  for (i = 1; i < cols; i++)  
    types[i] = G_TYPE_STRING;

  liststore=gtk_list_store_newv (cols, types);

  g_free (types);


  field = mysql_fetch_field(res_str);
for (i = 0; i < cols ; i++)
          rend = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
          col = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes(g_strdup
(field[i].name), rend, "text", i, NULL);
 g_print("%s...OK\n" , (field[i].name));
   while ((db_row = mysql_fetch_row (res_str)) != 0L)  

        for (i = 0; i < cols ; i++)
          gtk_list_store_append(liststore, &iter);
          gtk_list_store_set(liststore, &iter, i, db_row[i], -1 );


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