[Glade-users] signal handler with arguments from property editor

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tristan Van Berkom" <tristan van berkom gmail com>
To: "mw158979" <newbie poczta gazeta pl>
Cc: <glade-users lists ximian com>
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Glade-users] signal handler with arguments from property

That argument you will receive in your callback (as user_data).

Well, I'm not exactly sure about the code that glade-2
generates, but libglade uses that feild to lookup a widget
by that name and connect the object as user_data.

I assume the code glade-2 would generate would look like:
    g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", my_hanlder, lookup_widget
where you put "my_object" in the "object" field.

Without lookup (it is obsolete, since widgets are declared
as their names), but it is converted to GtkObject*, so it
should not be an arbitrary data:

  g_signal_connect_swapped ((gpointer) button1, "clicked",
                            G_CALLBACK (on_button1_clicked),
                            GTK_OBJECT (window1));

Either way, if you are useing code generation, you can modify the
generated code and use a string constant for user data

or just assign signals in your code at startup, then you can
set the user_data you like, and don't have to fight with overwriting


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