[Glade-users] HELP!! autogen.sh problem!

 If you care for i18n, you will have to create the Makefile.in on the intl
directory. If not, just edit the Makefile.in on the top directory and remove
the entry that refers to the intl diretory (Should be the 3 line up from the
last line on the file.

  Hope this helps.


--- Fior Avant <aefavant yahoo com br> wrote:

Hello there all,

I�m new to this list, and as my first posting, I would like to post a
problem... :-}

Okay, I have been trying Glade but can�t get any thing compiled... after
running autogen.sh it complains at a directory not there, called "intl" (
~/Projects/projname/intl ). So I create manually that and autogen.sh foes on
a bit further. Then stops again says "can�t output to file ./intlMakefile.in"
... or somewhat like. Well, I already tried creating that file myelf, but it
seems tha autogen.sh removes it when called... so no go!!

Might anyone help me out with that???!


Thank you,


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