[Glade-users] GtkSpinButton digits too limited?


I migrated from 0.6.4 to 2.0.0 because of GTK1.2 -> GTK2.0 migration.

How did you get the old .glade files converted to glade2 format?
I had a look at glade2, but so far did not see how I can get my old 
projects converted.

I installed libglade and then used libglade-convert. It worked with minor
difficulties (CList widgets didn't get converted properly), but overall it
worked. :)

Sorry no answer on the spinbutton thing....

Well, I checked the source and fixed this issue myself:

gbwidgets/gdspinbutton.c, line 95: 5 changed to 20

That was it; I recompiled, reinstalled and voila - it's working now.

Best wishes,


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