[Glade-users] GnomeCanvas co-ordinates.

le lun 22-10-2001 � 17:09, Brooks Mark a �crit :
OK, the problem is:
I'm trying to draw rectangles, or text (these are the 2 GnomeCanvasItems
that I need to use) onto a GnomeCanvas, but the x = 0.0, y = 0.0 postion
seems to be in the centre of the Canvas.  Hence, a GnomeCanvasRect (for
example) is always placed at the south west area of the canvas.  In
other canvases from my 2 books on GTK/Gnome a new CanvasItem would be
placed according to 0.0, 0.0 being in the top left corner of the canvas.
Perhaps the area displaying your canvas is bigger than the canvas
itself, so everything looks centered. E.g. displaying a 10x10 canvas in
a 200x200 window would look like:

|          |
|          |
|    []    |
|          |
|          |

(I'm no ascii-graphics artist)
So the origin looks more or less centered, even if it shouldn't.
That's a wild guess, of course.


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