[Glade-users] Problems with lookup_widget()

Sarah Mount wrote:
My widget tree looks a bit like this:



Well carved.  I understood.

Now, I have a callback on_my_dialog_ok_clicked() and in there I want
to lookup the main_window widget. No combination of
lookup_widget(some_widget, "main_window") seems to work (the app
compiles but segfaults).

Yes.  Expected.  lookup_widget() must be given another widget within
the same top level widget.

The way I solve this is to retain at least a widget pointer to my
logical parent window widget, or the button that triggered it.  In my
gfocustimer application, I have a struct for the dialog that contains
the pointer and other stuff.  There are, of course, other ways to have
the dialog remember the related widget.


James Cameron                                 (james cameron compaq com)

http://quozl.linux.org.au/         (or)         http://quozl.netrek.org/

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