[Glade-users] glade/libglade problem

Chris Freeze wrote:

To give a little background on what is going on in Archimedes, we are using
glade and libglade to provide users with ability to restructure the widget
layouts.  We are doing this by first using glade to build the widget and
libglade with libxml to parse .glade files on the fly.  The problem we have
noticed is:

If in glade you have a toolbar, in which the buttons have both a
label and pixmap defined, the type isn't respected in libglade's generation
of the widget. Instead both the pixmaps and the labels are shown.

What this boils down to is that if you toggle the type in glade, the result
from libglade's parse is the same, the pixmaps and labels are both generated.

The only solution to this was to delete the pixmaps if you don't want them, or
vice versa for the labels.

I suspect you are using Gnome, in which case libglade respects the Gnome user
preference settings. In the control center users can choose whether they want
icons/text/both in toolbars.

If you really don't want that, you should be able to use glade_xml_get_widget()
to get the toolbar and then gtk_toolbar_set_style() to set the style.

Should this be on the other list?

No, this is correct.


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